Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday is an ATV day

I headed back from Fairbanks in part because I signed up for the ATV safety course offered on Fort Greely. It is also required before you can rent one of these bad boys for personal use. The course was 3 hours of hands on instruction and practice. We wove through cones, locked up brakes, drove over obstacles, over hill and dale and just put the machines to work. i was/am sore as can be from playing rugby yesterday, and tired from getting home late and waking up early. My legs felt like jello and worse sometimes didn't work much better, but I made it through and got certified. The other half of today is going to be spent inventorying the bar and moving everything into storage until the new building gets done. The old bar is now officially closed and they start work on it tomorrow so everything comes out. A great day as sore and worn down as I am.
Here's Paul, our assistant instructor demonstrating good arm position for turns.

Mark familiarizes us with the controls.

Here he is explaining the next set of maneuvers awaiting my tired body.

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