Friday, May 27, 2011

Da holiday!

Currently, I am sitting at my desk and this place is an absolute ghost town. Everyone is gone off doing something. Why am I still here? I'm waiting to go to the gym. Sad. I know. But it is the truth. At lunch we did a combined leg workout of weighted lunges, thruster squats and box jumps. Legs were crying. Still are. We did a little bit of chest and tris also but I want to go back and wail on them a bit more and do a mile sprint until I puke in preparation for the triathlon in 3 weeks.
Good new. My 4runner made it to Fairbanks today. So next week I'll sort that out. My Household goods are moving in on Tuesday so I'll have all of my own stuff in my own place again. I should have it all ready when Hollie shows up in June. Talked to the cable folks and it'll be set up on Tuesday as well so I won't miss Treme or Game of Thrones. I'm moving on post, so I can literally walk to work or ride my bike to the gym, church, grocery store, and movie theater. Anyone need a 1997 extended cab Tacoma with a topper?! Fly up, drive the ALCan back!!
The new digs has a heated garage, the heat is included in the rent, so I'm thinking of turning it into a crossfit box all our own for the time being since we can't do any major gym changes on Post until after the summer and even then, it'll be nice to be able to work out at home if I choose.
Not sure what I am up to this weekend. Probably more gym time, maybe go bear hunting with a bowie knife or just work on my farmer's tan, who knows. The Fairbanks boys were talking about floating the Chena and grilling out, guess I'll give them a call.
Talk to you next week. Hope you enjoy your holiday. Remember, sunblock, rehydrate and behave.

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