Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Gout- 1799 AD.

The above entitles masterpiece clearly defines how a bout o gout can feel. Only difference being the little fella with the sharp teeth is INSIDE your big toe joint, ankle or knee. Apparantly this stuff has been around a long time and it used to be considered a "rich" man's or "king's" disease. It is on the rise in America. Huh, I wonder if it has anything to do with the 'Western' diet of overconsuming horrid crap. I'm sure that's where mine comes from, too much beer, too much soda, too much fried chicken, too much, too much. Allopurinol keeps it at bay for the most part but it sure doesn't mix well with all the scar tissue in my joints. Well, that's enough whining for today. Hasta Manana. Theres a nya in there someswhere.

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