Saturday, June 8, 2013

morning commute surprise

Earlier this week, on my morning commute, I had a surprise as the title of this blog suggests. I rolled up onto the scene below. Another car was there just before me, and she was helping a small child of 4 into her car after she had crawled out the back window. I immediately parked and ran up to offer assistance. The mother of the children was already standing up inside the car across the front seat. She was talking but all in spanish and I only caught the prominent word, hijos, or children. I assured her is spanish, esta bien, as best i could, but she had a wild eyed determination. Our efforts to get her to relax and stop moving were for naught. She was coming out of that car for sure. So I help untangle her from her seatbelt and squeeze between the steering wheel and the roof to get out the front windshield. Once she saw her small children, she was fine and began asking for a phone to call her husband. 911 was called and within about 10 minutes a firetruck and ambulance were on the scene. They decided to board the whole family since the car had flipped over a couple times, good idea. the father arrived on scene while the kids were being loaded into the ambulance and immediately began crying which got the kids crying and the mom on hearing all this began wailing too. We worked to calm them down but all involved were rightfully shaken. What had happened? She said she passed out at the wheel. All in all, they were all very lucky and thank God for seatbelts. 

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