Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pinnacle visit

Pinnacle had a trail clean up day, so I cruised over to hang out and lend a hand.
We ended up only doing about 3 hours of picking up trash but it was a worthwhile pursuit and a ton of hikers thanks us for our efforts. The clean-up coordinator, Arian, surprised everyone with homemade ice cream sandwiches at the end of the day.
That night, the local wildfire station had a barbecue and cooked about a hundred pounds of chicken and tri tip. We took my world famous guac, which got absolutely slammed. Since we were at the fire station, beers were a no no. but we had a good time none the less. The firefighters got called out a couple times and the helicopter even took flight, so the ladies were bummed because they couldn't flirt anymore :)
Sunday, after a breakfast of blueberry pancakes, we headed out on the trail to see if we could find some wildlife. We cam across some turkeys and deer as usual and a gaggle of vultures. Moonglow showed me a nice deer skeleton with an intact rack. A six pointer of decent size, probably around 120 pounds live weight.  Looked like it was like a poached deer that ran off, but since it was fully bleached out, no way of knowing for sure.
Moonie and I played 5 games of cribbage and the punk beat me 4 of 5. We drank quite a few tap beers from his homemade kegerator.
I absolutely love the first couple hours of driving through San Benito county. Wide open vistas of ranchos. Lots of wildlife all throughout the valley.Twisting and winding roads that are just fun to drive.
I'm sure I'll be back soon, especially since I am going to 4 10s next pay period. That's a lot of 3 day weekends. Anyone interested in a long weekend visit??

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