Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's not hell, but you can see it from here.

I had another lovely commute surprise the other morning. This wonderful burnt out car parked in an abandoned parking lot right next to the road. The last time I saw something like this was when 2 teenagers were shot execution style in Decatur back in 1993, their car driven across town and burnt as a message to others.  I was hoping there would be a story with it but I haven't seen anything in the paper. It might have just been an accident, thing overheated, caught fire and burned down. Either way, it looks very foreboding and ominous. cold chills time. It wouldn't surprise me if it had been a message to someone. 

Barstow and Victorville aren't the most prosperous places in America. Routinely on my drive to work I see vagrants, druggies, prostitutes, thugs, gangsters and other assorted antisocial types. It's entertaining in a social experiment kid of way, but I need get back to small town America and out of the desert. Today, I wanted to go to Walmart to pick up shotgun shells and it was closed, as in went out of business closed, A Walmart. The only other time I've seen that was in macomb where they closed a small one and built a bigger one next door. This one is less than a mile from the highway but its little shopping center is dead. Really spooky.

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