Wednesday, August 1, 2012

a treatise on the midafternoon nap

Last weekend, I had another 3 day. This one, however, was much less exciting than the last. It of course started with great intentions, cleaning the house, finishing unpacking everything, sorting through it, throwing out the unwanted, unneeded stuff. Trimming down my entourage of things that complicate my life. Yeah right. I woke early Friday, sore and stiff from the gym the day before. I had done shrugs, too many shrugs and the muscles of my neck were tight causing a headache. I took some meds and lay back down until lunch. Whoops. I got up and headed to the little diner on the end of Route 66 that was on Diners Drive-ins and Dives. I devoured their signature burger and headed to Victorville to see the new Batman. I did a littel shopping then back home for another nap before dinner. 2 naps, 1 day. Saturday, I felt like being lazy, but I had agreed to help Tony move, a block. He really bought a house a block from the one he rented. He needed help with the big stuff; a couple couches, some tables, nothing much really. We knocked it out, ate a pulled beef lunch and then I headed home for....a nap. Heck yeah. Then dinner and into bed after a little tv. Sunday, I knew I had to get some stuff done. Had to clean bathrooms and do laundry at a minimum. I stopped by the grocery and picked up some scrubbing bubbles to help with the hard water we deal with in Helendale. I sprayed the shower down, sprayed the toilet down, sprayed the counter down, and while it soaked I layed down to wait a few guessed it, fell asleep. This one only lasted an hour. I got up scrubbed the scrubbing bubbles off, dried and polished everything and grabbed lunch. Came ack, threw in a load of laundry and lay down to wait for it to finish washing. Yep. Another nap. Woke up with a string of drool out of the corner of my mouth. Yummy. I finished up the load of laundry, went and grabbed some ice cream and called it a day. I guess I may have gotten caught up on my rest. I'm going to go lay down to think about it.

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