Monday, August 20, 2012


On Wednesday 15 August, FMWR sponsored The United States Army SOLDIER SHOW. TUSASS is a collection of active duty soldiers with talent that travel the world bringing entertainment to army garrisons. Their motto, "Soldiers entertaining soldiers." This year's theme was changed at the last minute to "Army Strong". To me, the change was a great decision. Last year it was 'carnival' which was a cool show, but it didn't give me the goosebumps that this year's show did. having been a soldier and working for them for the last 13 years, I have a special affinity for what these soldiers do and anything that recognizes their sacrifice and celebrates their heroism is alright by me. As the special events guy, this one was mine to organize, but it was pretty easy since they do most of the hard part, the production. We provided them 10 soldiers and they put up an amzaing set and light production. We had planned on approximately 600 to 800 people for the show but almost 1200 showed up. It was standing room only and almost 200 people decided to leave instead of fight the crowd. 

General Ferrell presents them a pic of the Painted Rocks, an Irwin icon. The Arts and Crafts shop put it together for us. 

The local VA home brought in a couple dozen vets, half in chairs. They were clapping and dancing and smiling. That's plenty good enough for me to call it a success. 

Here are the performers with the Ms. Barstow and Ms. Teen Barstow. 

They're Army Strong and they know it. 

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