Friday, August 3, 2012

Punched in the face by the truth

I recently started a diet. I am trying to eat 'more' paleo again. Hard to do in the land of the flour tortilla, which I very much like. You know how flat bread can turn any meal into an occasion. Finger foods are so much fun. Anyway, I am also trying to do intermittent fasting windows. Typically these are during the week, I have a light breakfast of coffee, skip lunch and then eat a sensible dinner before 7pm in the hopes of going into ketosis during the day and working out while in a fasted state. I know, it's all so complicated. Not really though. Starbucks for breakfast, gym at lunch, dinner at a restaurant and cut out the carby side. That's how it typically breaks down, well not really. So I was feeling that I was doing rather well on the above plan and then I made it home during the light of day after my hour commute, walked into the kitchen and the sunlight was shining in bright and objective and truth filled......I suck......down a lot of late night ice cream. Damn you Ben. Damn you Jerry. How dare you tempt me so often. Especially with your yummy combinations. Not fair. 

I decided I wanted to find my pipe among my household goods the other day. I get flustered from time to time when I lose stuff I know I own. I found it but decided I wanted another one on a lark, so hit up the smoke shop. I've also decided since no one has whined about my beard yet, i'm going to grow it for awhile longer and see what comes of it. So here is a shot from the other night playing with the camera. I loaded another one on Facebook and got a fair amount of positive feedback, so I'm encouraged to go big. 

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