Monday, June 25, 2012

Random Pics from the past several months

I continue to forget to take my camera with me when I go on adventures. Dumb dora. Anyway, I have snapped a few things with the droid. Here they are.

Ah, the Mad Greek Cafe in Baker, CA. 
Diners, Drive-ins and Dives did an episode.

A big fat gyro courtesy of the Mad Greek. Extra tzatziki!!

Blue man group ad on a Vegas bus. Still need to go see the show.

The Vegas Strip on a Friday night. 

The Flamingo.


New York

MGM Grand

I saw this photo in a partisans of WWII book. I want to grow the beard on the left with the handlebars. I also dig the sheepskin hat. This is a Cossack of Russia, unfortunately for them, they sided with the Germans against the communists and we turned them over after the war for working with the Nazis. The friend of my enemy is my enemy until just a few years later when of course the communists became our new enemy and Cossacks would have been allies. Anyone else confused. 

The Big Green Egg grill. Look it up. Amazing ribs and roasts come from this bad boy.

Tom Cassity explaining the inner workings of his big green egg. 

My cousin Becky mad this for Memorial Day. Cute idn't it.

Snail on the trail. At least I'm not the slowest thing. Mom walked me ragged.

Ah slush puppy. If you look hard, you can see Chad's sagging ass in khaki, he was called into action as umpire for this softball game. His calls were horrible. I think he's blind. He did let me pet his seeing eye dog though.

homemade ice cream, cake and fresh picked strawberries a la aunt Di. Yummy.

Little brother and i hit the Y a few times while i was home. I laughed at this flier. When we take equipment, it just disappears one day and something else is in its place the next. Of course, we usually have 2 of everything, so the loss doesn't hit home quite as hard.

the Lincoln Lounge. Went here for fried flaming cheese and they didn't have it due to remodeling. Darn it. Had gyros instead. 

Petey the Peacock, living young, wild and free. He roams my uncle's neighborhood and steals cat food. He has a little hitch in his gitty up but still moves out when you try to pluck a feather for your hat. 

Toby, Pops and Jones. All wearing the jackass Pat Cain shirt at pop's retirement party. Dad kept telling people the story of the pic. It's his id badge pic, they asked if he wanted to take it again since his eyes were closed, he said nope, no one will ever see it. Oh how wrong he was. 

jackass wearing a pic of a jackass

yep, still a jackass

496 tire squealing vette. I owned a vette once, a Chevette.

That stingray nose. so unmistakable.

Toby's frogmore. 

Needs more frog.

Ghirardelli in Monterey by the wharf. We watched the guy making waffles into waffle cones and bowls, oh the smell. Bottle it, make it into a man's cologne and the ladies would flock. 

Scott Nerdbinski and J Kat Jones. Pre ice cream goodness. The looks afterwards were more glazed and comaesque.

Sunburnt dan leg. that is not a white sock, that is where my leash was for the standup (sitdown) paddle at Monterey. I'm pealing now. Oh itchy joy.

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