Tuesday, June 19, 2012

9 Decades of Zita

My adopted grandmother turned 90 this month. It was a great reason to bring most of the cousins together. As we age and build new lives the lives of our youth become distant memories. Growing up, we spent holidays on the farm in Witt with Pat's family. After growing up and moving away after college, those times have become rare almost to the point of non-existence. So, the idea was kicked around of getting all the cousins together for a cousins night. We headed to Litchfield Illinois and checked into our assigned hotel before descending upon a small sports bar in the area. Dinner was good with lots of stories and memories being shared. Then the libations began to flow and the fun began. Before the night ended, we were skeeball masters and had 2 plastic samurai swords and an accoutrment of slap bracelets and vampire teeth to present to grandma the following day on her 90th.
the next day went well for grandma, she saw family and friends from accross the decades and spent the hours on tales and reviewing the old black and white photos. It's always neat to see oneself and the previous generations in their youth, old customs and attire. Makes me nostalgic for a time I never experienced, before the country seemingly lost its innocence. While I know it only really exists in my mind, I imagine how cool it would have been to hit a speakeasy, or cruise Eldorado in a 1969 musclecar, or attend a parade where everyone was dressed in poodle skirts and beehive hairdos, just because that was the fashion of the day. I wonder what kids will think of our pictures when my generation hits 90, will they wish for those days or will they even attnd birthdays for real at all or just virtually, safe in their own homes. Who knows? I guess will find out December 21st.

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