Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Low Country Midwest

My Dad and Mom took early retirement when it was offered by their company. To celebrate their life transition to total boredom at home, some folks Dad works with threw a good old fashioned shin dig. This was no ordinary Midwest affair, it was throwback to my SC days, a low country boil or Frogmore stew. For those that don't know, a low country boil is a one pot affair. Fill pot with water, white wine and bay seasoning and sausage, bring to a boil then let simmer for awhile, once it is good and spiced, bring her back up to temperature, throw in potatoes and boil, wait about 10 minutes then onion, wait 10 minutes then corn on the cob, wait 10 minutes and then toss in shrimp or crawfish or fish for 3 minutes and drain and dump on a covered table. Everyone then either descends on the mix throwing carcasses through a hole into a bucket or scoops up plates of the stuff and dips and flavors to their own liking. The other similar southern tradition I enjoy is an oyster feast. Same table, some tossing of shells. No veg in that one though.
It appears that Toby, Dad's work bud, even though he grew up in Kansas, was party to several boils as a kid. So he was the head chef for Mom and Dad's affair, gathering the needed mainstays not from the local areas as is often done in the south, especially along the coast, instead the making sfor this one came from Kroger. However only a true southern afficiando that grew up on this stuff all summer long could tell the difference. I was extrememly pleased with the way it turned out and ate more than my fair share while remembering good times at the Hinks dock on the lake or hot humid days kicking it is Charleston. I even went back for just a moment to a crawfish boil in a box that we had in Nan's backyard in New Orleans pre-Katrina. Only now I was enjoying this wonderful fare in Spitler Woods Park, THE park of my youth. So many Boy Scout and Family activities revolved around this place growing up, it feels like, well........home.

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