Monday, June 25, 2012

2nd Annual Cali Swag Car Show at Fort Irwin by BOSS

Fort Irwin Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers hosted the 2nd Annual Cali Swag Car Show this past Saturday. BOSS had over 70 submissions in 16 different classes. It was a good show, except i got a bit too much sun on my face. damn you high desert sunshine, we will meet again and next time I will be prepared! Well probably not, but i can threaten it all i like. I had tons of witty things to say about each pic but alas the website kicked me off and I had to start all over. So just enjoy the pictures and try not to drool on the keyboard.
GM was the main sponsor for the event including specialty Military hoods, Tribute Silverado, games and they had 6 of their brand new 2013s for folks to test drive including a convertible Camaro. 

Wild Thang Fire Breather

The Wild Thang, all 1000+ HP of it. You could feel the flames over 50 feet away. A sight to behold. the video at the end doesn't do it justice, but if you crank up the speakers you might get an idea of the rumble. It rattled my teeth.

GM First Responder Memorial Truck

Below are pics of the GM 9/11 Tribute Truck "First Responder". I recommend that everyone look at the pics full scale (click on them) to really take in what this tribute is all about. For those that are really sensitive, grab a box of tissues, that's you Sergeant Bontly. Enjoy. Oh and the hood ornament, while hard to see, is a 2" piece of plateglass from Ground Zero. That's right, a piece of the Twin Towers from that fateful day.