Friday, May 11, 2012

Random Cali pics and Mousehaven

Squinting into the sun on a morning walk around the lake near my house. It was a balmy 48 degrees the morning I took this, which explains the beanie. Thanks Zac for the gamecock paraphenalia.

An empty sand person house on the south lake. If you know a sand person or jawa looking for a new abode, this one is pretty funky.

We are allowed to doodle in the Army class I'm in at Shades of Green. I drew the image and Britt colored it in.

A bit of WOW! on the nametag.

We hit the Polynesian the first night here. This beauty is called a lapu lapu. Tropical fruit juices and rum. Yummy.

Polynesian dinner. The best Cali rolls I've had, the tuna poke was amazing too.

Turkeys on the grounds of the Shades of Green.

We went on "the Business Behind the Magic" Tour at WDW yesterday for a few hours. We went to the laundry, the "cast" areas and to the underworld below the Magic Kingdom. It was really cool to see the huge mundane daily logistics they have to deal with to get the 64000 employees all working in harmony to put on the show.

This is our class group. We've got folks from Cali, Kentucky, Georgia, New Mexico and Korea.

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