Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Pics from Ivory Jacks Semi-formal

 Dave enjoying a cigar too. 

Schu and Kayla, a great pair, they've opened their home to me many times. Thanks guys, you've been good friends.


 Naomi and Kayla red.

 Friends of the girl's team.

 hanging out. 

 Ivory's has been a rugby hangout for a long time. The Sun Dogs (the original Fairbanks team) used to do their socials here. The owner, Dick, was a Sun Dog.

 Traveling patches. These guys got around. The Oosiks still travel but usually only to San Diego, Vegas and Maggotfest in Missoula Montana.

 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The motto in Alaska. This is reuse at it's finest. 

 Harley, one of the founding fathers of Fairbanks rugby in its current iteration.

 Enjoying a fatty bo batty. 

 Who knew?! Thermometers are made to go the same distance both ways. A necessity up here on the frozen tundra of Lambeau field. Just kidding, Lambeau is a thousand miles south of here. And yes, there is a winter rugby match, the annual Pearl Harbor memorial match. Frozen fun. 

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