Friday, September 23, 2011

Oktoberfest at Silver Gulch

Friday was Oktoberfest at Silver Gulch Brewery, the farthest north commercially brewed beer in North America. They set up a large tent, had a polka band, bon fire and great beer. Gout be damned. We started with a little pub fare for dinner. Fish and chips anyone. Afterwards we slipped outside to catch some polka and warm up around the bonfire. By 11, everyone was good and toasty.

 The restaurant and store. You can see the tents in the background.

 An FJ in the parking lot. Had to get a shot, look at this beauty.

 The bonfire was HOT!!!

 We had our own little rugger crew chilling out, Kitchens girl even made it up from Frisco.

 The polka was wild. 

 Cigars, beer and brothers. Doesn't get much better. Me and Schu.

 Check out the gams on this fraulein!!

 Kelsey and Adam in their "leiderhosen"

Katherine, Lindsey and Kayla (Schu's fiance). Good and snookered. I had to drive Lindsey and Katherine home. I asked how many beers they'd had, 3!

After Oktoberfest, we hit up the Marlin bar. Here we are in the upstairs beer garden. Beautiful night. The aurora was glowing green, we had them turn the lights off a couple times to get a better view. 

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