Monday, August 1, 2011

Fairbanks Fitness Derby pic page 1

The Fairbanks fitness fair went very well other than being cold and a bit rainy. They had 5 events. About 20 men competed and about a dozen women overall, plus about a dozen volunteers and judges. I volunteered all day as a judge. There were 5 events. #1- 20 minute run with 60lb sandbag. It was a down and back course and the number of laps were counted with the highest being 42 laps. #2-Max chest to overhead, any movement. The highest mens weight was 245lbs for the women 195lbs!!! #3- 10 minutes of 10 pushups followed by sandbag toss. The sandbags were worth 5, 10 or 20 push-ups. The highest I remember seeing was 200 points total. 180 of those push-ups. #4- Total volume front squats, pick a weight, do as many reps in 5 minutes, multiply together for a volume. The highest was around 8000 lbs. #5- 1 minute pullups, 3 minutes burpees, 1 minute of pullups for total. By the end, I could see the exhaustion on most of the competitors faces. It was a great environment, everyone was very supportive and helped push each other, deal with the cold and do the best they could. Inspiring.

Kane explaining the events.

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