Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oosik State Tournament

Saturday was the Alaska State Rugby Tournament with 6 alaska clubs represented by 4 teams. The Thunderbirds (anchorage, Samoans) Golden Bears (anchorage, Tongans) Fairnai (Fairbanks/Kenai combo) Maulboros (Matsu Maulers and Barbos from Anchorage). We played a 3 match round robin. We played pretty well the first match, got destroyed as in no fun whatsoever the second and played 10s the third match which still wasn't too fun. Anyway, the finals, T-birds vs Bears did not disappoint. It was some of the hardest hitting technical rugby I've witnessed in a long time. I'm talking every bit as good as some of the National Championship stuff I've seen from USARugby. The Samoans jumped to an early lead and held it until Pea-oh took a 50 m penalty attempt, it bounced off the crossbar and into his arms as he chased it and in for a try for the go ahead. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. After that the T-birds seemed to lose a little steam and the bears kept ahead with another try. Afterwards, the action continued when a couple ofthe tongan girls and samoan girls got into it. One of the Samoan women walked away with a hand full of what I hope was weave and not real hair. Ouch.
The tournament trophy is a fossilized walrus penis called an Oosik, which makes me believe that Walrus don't need Viagra!

Chilling by the sideline during the Final Tournament Match

Looking the other way. Look at the fro on that dude. Impressive.

Lots of islanders. Samoans in White. Tongans in Blue. Hard ass hitting rugby.

The Oosik!!

The MVP and man of the year, Pea-oh. Arguably the best rugger in Alaska.

The Golden Bears (Tongans) took the day and the trophy.

Community Activity Center Update

Dave, contract supervisor, showing me one of three video screens in the ballroom.

back hallway

service entrance

The kitchen- friers, pressure frier, pizza oven, griddle- what more could a growing boy ask for?

dining room with flooring installed. Waiting on furniture now.

anyone want to bowl a few frames?

Now that's a bar!!! Only 4 taps to begin with. We will expand!

Garage Sale

Garage sales in Alaska are a little different. This one was for a guy that had been a taxidermist in Alaska for 20+ years and was moving to North Carolina and getting rid of what he had in the garage. Lots of really cool pics, curios, skins, and of course mounts. TIA. This Is Alaska.

Old snowshoes

Mountain goat

dall sheep, grizz and mulie

Senor Grizz


arctic fox

Waterfowl in wild Alaska

The north side of Fairbanks has a large farm with an active dairy that is surrounded by a waterfowl preservation. Each year, nearly every migratory duck, goose or crane heads south from up here to the lower 48 east and west. They gather in large groups getting ready to take off and head south. Looks like any airport in America if you ask me. On Friday it seemed to be all Sandhill Cranes and Canadian Geese. The noise was great. Like a cocktail party full of blue hairs with their hearing aids turned down too low. I think the cranes are pretty cool looking.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Delta Greely Soccer Tournament

I spent the weekend running around like a fool after a little white ball, no not golf, soccer. One thing is for sure, I am still slow, and still suck at soccer. My first attempt at soccer was in 2005, indoor soccer at the Plex in Columbia with the rugby team. I haven't improved.
Delta High School does a summer soccer tournament as a fundraiser. This year a 7th team joined in for the round robin which meant each team would play 6 games in three days. An hour per game meant 6 hours of running or in my case hobbling the last 2 hours, love that ACL surgery. Knock on wood, I can walk and still put in some effort from time to time. The team that I was on was a hodge podge of folks from the area, kind fo the mutt team. We borrowed and cajoled where needed to make all 6 games happen. Understandably we lost all six games, but sometimes the action was actually pretty close. The weather actually somewhat cooperated with only some sprinkles and wind on Saturday morning.
I did okay at defense and forward, but lacked the speed to get all over for midback.
I did score one goal on the weekend. i was playing forward against the high school team, I know get your jabs in, anyway, I was at the forward position, when the ball came out to the left wing, I dribbled forward and was set-up for a goal shot but with my left foot. I'm a rightie. If I hesitated, the defender coming up would have spoiled so I dropped my head, kept my eye on the ball and kicked it leftie, it sailed to the right, just in front of the reach of the goalkeeper and hit the back part of the front pole bouncing in. GOAL!! It was ugly, born of pure luck, but it felt good none the less.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rodentia of the North

Scavengers. Just to say the word makes most folks skin crawl. There is an odd disgust at the idea of eating leftovers in the animal kingdom. We live with them day in and day out and rarely ever acknowledging their presence. I have some great scavenger stories and have a new one to add as of yesterday.
Let's start with an oldie or two.

My parents have giant Oaks in their backyard, which means raccoons in Illinois. The masked bandits kept getting in my dad's garage, so he decided to fight back. He borrowed a live trap and we went to work relocating the problem coons. Each night he'd set the trap, and each morning, he'd wake me to take the offender across town to a new zipcode. I'd pull the trap out of the truck, shake the coon to the back of the trap and slowly open the door. Each and every raccoon hightailed it for the woods once that door was open, except the last one. This Kung Fu coon decided he had a bone to pick with me for ruining his evening, or maybe he just wasn't fond of the new neighborhood I had picked for him. He ran out of the trap as usual, but then stopped suddenly, turned and decided he was going to give me a piece of his mind. He bounded on top of the trap and lunged at me, mouth wide, teeth gnashing and grinding. Luckily in my scared recoil all he was able to get his incisors on was the end of one finger of my leather work gloves. His teeth made quick work of the end and if a finger had still been occupying that portion, my nickname today might be Nubby. He felt he had his revenge and headed for the safety of the trees before my workboot could find his rearend. It was a good lesson, not all furry creatures are of the same mind and temperment and some take offense at being inconvenienced in such ways.

My friend's J and C live in Lakewood WA. For a time I stayed with them just after they bought their new home. Out front was a small japanes red maple with a cement pond under its canopy. A beautiful little set-up. The room I stayed in was upstairs with a window wall facing the little pond and my bed was right next too it. C decided to put goldfish in the pond one day. That evening, I was awoken by a ruckus. It sounded like a gang of robbers had come to the Gerwen homestead. In fact, a gang had. The masked bandito gang. About a half dozen raccoons had shown up for the free buffet. I carefully shined my flashlight out and a dozen eyes glared back with green fire and glittery scales on masked faces. It was hilarious. The raccoons were splashing to and fro catching goldfish, gnawing on them and washing them in the little ponds water. My flashlight didn't really bother them in the slightest, they each sat on their haunches enjoying their easy meal and taking in the cool night air.

Brings me to yesterday. Behind my housing unit is the dumpster for the three buildings in my group. As I was walking to my truck to head to church, I heard noises coming for the dumpster, scratching noises. My first thought was that a rodent had gotten in the dumpster and couldn't get out. I had seen this before with a opposum in South Carolina that got in our compost pile. The side door of the dumpster was open and curiousity had me walking towards it to see what was inside. I know that generally this is an invitation to get your face chewed off by some wild creature freaking out but like Pandora I couldn't stop myself. As I approached the rattling got louder and more hurried. When I was within about 6 feet of the dumpster a great black shadow overtook the small window on the dumpster and my heart stopped as my body froze with fear. I saw death coming to claim his due looking like an archangel of satan himself, black wings spread wide and foreboding. The sound of shuffling feathers deadened all around.then he was just there, a raven with a piece of bread sat on the dumpster window looking at me slightly annoyed, then he was off, headed straight for the trees, bread in tow. I couldn't help but laugh and laugh I did boisterously and loud all the way to church.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fried poop on a stick

Friday night was the opening of the Tanana Valley County Fair. A bunch of ruggers all decided to get together to check it out. The main goal, fried twinkies, Snickers and Oreos. Yum!!!
It was a fair pretty much like any other fair. Rides, games, farm shows, the whole assortment. As far as fairs go, it was pretty decent. We started out by recover Schu, our rugby coach/captain from his booth. Everyone split upto find their food preference right off. I grabbed a low carb gyro and a rootbeer. I know, counterproductive. the low carb gyro is a gyro wrapped up in lettuce. Good stuff. Betsy had starved all day to get fair food, her choice, fried shrimp and fries. Jenna, Dippin Dots. Schu, porkchop on a stick. After downing some quick grub, it was ride time. Half of the group bought tickets for the low low price of $20 or $40. Everything was $5. Rides, games, food. All of it. Crazy expensive, but it only happens once a year. After some rides, it was fried snickers time. Then cheese curds, and a trip to the porkchop on a stick stand. Yummy. We finished the night with a quick trip through the beer garden until the Fair shut down.

Mmmm, mushrooms.

The dragon was breathing fire


All rugby bumper cars

Ferris Wheel

Don't tell me corn, I'm from Illinois!!!

Crossfit Garage

I have turned my garage into a Crossfit gym. The most recent additions have been a marker board and a plyometric box. The box was easy to build. We have a full woodshop on Fort Greely. Tablesaws, nailguns, clamps, routers, sanders and everything you could need. I have built 2 boxes so far. one was 20 x 24 x 28. The second one was 20 x 24 x 24, that's the one I kept for my garage. The first one, I donated to the Crossfit in Fairbanks. The first one took about 3 to 4 hours. The second one took an hour and a half. Of course, I did about 100 jumps on the 24" box last thursday while doing straight leg deadlifts, then ran about 2 hours of touch 7s rugby and then went to the Marlin Bar in Fairbanks and had a few too many beers. So slowly but surely, the overuse and the bad food choices mixing with the beer has made my gout unhappy in my left knee. I hate getting old. I guess I am really going to have to give up soda and beer for good completely. Ugh!! I love coke with mexican food!!
Saturday I had what I think is probably the best Torta I've ever had. Taco King in Fairbanks. And of course I had a coke. HFCS and gout, not good bedfellas.
My new plyo box

standard non descript whiteboard

pood and pood and half kettlebells, so much fun.

Monday, August 1, 2011

More hitchhikers

On any given day on any given highway in Alaska you will often have an assortment of hikers, bikers, backpackers, etc. I found this 2 making their way south from Fairbanks back to Valdez where they were spending the summer counting salmon. We drove for about 20 miles. They were from Austin. She's working on a PHD and he was working odd jobs. They were very nice. We stopped for ice cream at the buffalo. Good local dairy ice cream. Good stuff. I left them beside the oil pipeline.

Fairbanks Fitness Derby pic page 1

The Fairbanks fitness fair went very well other than being cold and a bit rainy. They had 5 events. About 20 men competed and about a dozen women overall, plus about a dozen volunteers and judges. I volunteered all day as a judge. There were 5 events. #1- 20 minute run with 60lb sandbag. It was a down and back course and the number of laps were counted with the highest being 42 laps. #2-Max chest to overhead, any movement. The highest mens weight was 245lbs for the women 195lbs!!! #3- 10 minutes of 10 pushups followed by sandbag toss. The sandbags were worth 5, 10 or 20 push-ups. The highest I remember seeing was 200 points total. 180 of those push-ups. #4- Total volume front squats, pick a weight, do as many reps in 5 minutes, multiply together for a volume. The highest was around 8000 lbs. #5- 1 minute pullups, 3 minutes burpees, 1 minute of pullups for total. By the end, I could see the exhaustion on most of the competitors faces. It was a great environment, everyone was very supportive and helped push each other, deal with the cold and do the best they could. Inspiring.

Kane explaining the events.