Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Wife's Arrival

Hollie landed in Alaska at 430pm on Tuesday. She met me out front and we loaded her up and headed to Asianas for some sushi. Earlier in the day she sent a text asking about getting a workout in at the Crossfit in Fairbanks, it was already set-up. After our suhi fill up we headed for the gym. Instantly she seemed to relax. She was back in a familiar and comfortable environment. She worked on her deadlift personal record and actually broke it with 301lbs after a 12 hour flight, you go girl. In her bare feet too. After Crossfit we headed over to Sports Authority to pick up my bike and a jump rope, grab some Starbucks, then off to rugby practice to meet up with the boys and girls. Everyone said hello and introduced themselves. The smiles were flying. We still had a 100 mile drive ahead of us, so we hit the road about 930. Hollie finally fell asleep halfway back and woke up when we hit the front gate. Yesterday was a lot of sleeping and emailing and texting for her. Last night we hit the grocery store, then the gym, before relaxing in the living room. She's not too bored yet, but I'm sure it's coming pretty soon. Without a job there's not a ton to do here other than workout and watch tv and movies. Luckily we already have a bit of a plan for the weekend, so she can look forward to heading to Anchorage and checking out the sights.

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