Monday, June 6, 2011

Maulerfest page 3

On the drive back to delta on Sunday I took my time and stopped to see some of the sights. It was a great drive, the fog was in the mountains and almost no one was on the road as early as I was. I saw a moose cow with calf. My first porcupine. A caribou. The glacier. I went down by the river since the salmon are supposed to be running but I must have been too far up, because I didn't see any. Paul was down on the Chitina on this same weekend and dipnetted 40 salmon for saving. Some of the fellas are headed down there this weekend to do the same. We'll see how they fare.
Black Rapids grotto. Next to the Army rock climbing training area. Sweet. I know where I'll be picnicing on a hot July day. 35 minutes from home.

Rock climbing training area.

Avalanche and rock slide risk area!! The road goes right by the bottom of the talus and scree faces.

Glenallen airport.

Matanuska Glacier.

Check out the fog smoke on those mountains. It was so foggy at one point once I got into the valley i was doing 30mph and still couldn't see.

The native designs down around the coastal area is more like you see in BC and Washington, Oregon.

I wanted to try to get a tour of the NOLS farm but it was 6am so I decided to save it for another day. The Palmer valley is amazingly beautiful farm land, green lush, flat and quiet. Just the way they like it.

We had 4 campsites and probably 30 people packed into them to sleep. I slept in the 4runner, quiet, dry and best of all bug free!

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