Saturday, April 27, 2013

The G.I.s of Comedy

Thursday night we hosted the GIs of Comedy Tour consisting of Thom Tran, Jose Sarduy and Tom Irwin. All are former or active military working as comics. The show was hilarious, wall to wall laughs. Unfortunately, due to changes in the training calendar a lot of soldiers were not able to make it out. For my part, I helped the guys get set-up and as usual took care of loose ends like projectors, adjusting lights and running the sound. It was a great time and I highly recommend the show to anyone that is fortunate to see them.
We used the stage in our Rec Center. The guys brought the flags. Tom and Tom were Army and Jose is still in the Air Force. 

Adjusting lights. Things do get hot!

The Habaneros staff was serving adult beverages. 

 The crowd wasn't huge, only 75 or so, but still an okay turnout.
The Garrison Commander MC'ed the opening. He loves this stuff.

Thom Tran

They used his caricature for Black Ops 2. He is every Vietnamese soldier in the game. 

This is the photo that helped him decide to stop drinking.

He's done a couple Active Duty tours downrange. He got shot in the back of the head. 

Jose Sarduy (pronounced Sar dooey)

He did a lot of jokes about his Cuban family and heritage. 

Tom Irwin is a new parent, the look of exhaustion is real. 

A lot of his jokes were about the younger generation and how easy they have it. Agreed. 

At the end, they did story time, which was informal and fun. 

Tom talking about getting smacked in the junk. 

Afterwards, they sold some merch to help GIs past and present. I can't wait to have them back in the Fall. 

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