Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lobstah Squad

Last weekend, my boy Zac from AK made it back down for a vacay with his fiance. She is still in Palm Springs working and living with her Mom. Zac is just in for a visit and to make it out to StageCoach, the big country music festival in the Coachella Valley just outside of Palm Desert and Palm Springs. I rolled in before lunch on Saturday and while the girls were shopping he and I hit up the Tilted Kilt for lunch. The servers all dress in tiny plaid skirts and wear school girl leggings and tiny tops. Definite eye candy. Of course, in that line of business, the airier they seem, the more tips they get. Zac was an instant hit being from Alaska still. Of course, he screwed it up but not taking advantage of a perfect opportunity to make up a perfectly good lie. He does remote logistics, but I told him it would sound a lot cooler if he was a polar bear sperm collector :) ensuring the species would never become extinct as long as he has a job. But no... he has to tell the truth all the time. BORING!
After lunch, we headed up to Desert Hot Springs. Last year we went to the 'upscale' springs, this time, we went redneck. Holy crap. What a difference. But even the sight of a 65 year tatted biker granny kept me from enjoying the hot relaxing waters of the desert. There really wasn't too bad of a sulphur smell. It was hot out too, so we ended up spending as much time in the cooling pool as anywhere else. After about 4 hours we were pruny enough to call it a day. We cleaned up and headed to the casino for the requisite ayce Lobstah buffet. There was no wait whatsoever and before we knew it, lobster was coming out of our ears, shortly followed by another orifice. Blackjack was the post dinner game of choice for the boys, while Heather hit up the slots. The dealers were not nice to Zac and he got something like 100 13s, 14s and 15s in a row and went down pretty quickly. Lady Luck was smiling on me though and in short order I made enough to pay him back for dinner in chips, then I went up another hundred before dropping back down to scratch, then a couple big bets got me back up and I finished about $50 up. We were all jonesing for a sweet beverage and hit up the 7/11 on the way home. Sunday morning, we grabbed breakfast with Heather's mom and talked about Stage Coach, they already had their tickets for the fest. I used my winnings to thank them for a place to crash by picking up the breakfast tab. Heather had to work so Zac and I did some guns and ammo shopping and he actually found some 5.56 at Walmart of all places. We hit up a half dozen shops and killed a few hours before meeting Heather for lunch at Reds a little hole in the wall seafood bar. We snacked on peel and eat and devoured a couple fish tacos, cervezas and margaritas. We decided a thousand steps would help the digestion and went for a walk on the strip. i saw the 50' Marilyn statue and looked up her skirt at her giant panties. Perv. I've got pics on my phone but forgot my usb cord, so you will have to wait for a later post. We grabbed some cold Stone and did some more shopping before dropping heather back at work dropping Zac at the house and heading back up north for Sunday night television, which I so dearly love these days.

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