Monday, August 19, 2013

Be the ball Danny. Be the ball.

Saturday was our second annual fort irwin golf tourney held in Apple Valley. I helped with registration then headed out to the links with the boss and our AER director Bob. Bob and Doug both are guys without filters, you know the old crotchety types that grumble and mumble a lot. Constantly casting aspersions on your mother and what not. Fun to be around as long as you don't get offended too easily. In other words, men's men. Thick skins only please. I was off the clock, so I gave as bad as I got for the most part. The three of us are fairly bad golfers, okay, we sucked. luckily we picked up a ringer for our fourth. A guy that lived on the course and just wanted to golf. It was hot, not by Mojave Desert standards but still cooking in the upper 90s and scorching in the sun. I was constantly encouraging Joe to park us in the shade. Which he obliged more often than not. There were some notable shots throughout the day. I sunk a 50 put from the short grass off the green. We got a couple of 'tosses' as part of the tourney. One toss I did out of a bunker found its way into the hole giving us an Eagle for the hole. I had a hell of a chip that ended up within 3" of the cup from about 40' out. We also played a handful of my drives, pitches, chips and putts as well. Not bad for loaner clubs and not having played golf in a number of years. All in all, there are much worse ways to spend a Saturday. Ever hear of 'yard' work. Ick.

Carted up in the shade. 

All of the holes are pretty straight affairs, no serious doglegs here. 


that green green grass.

Every bit as grumpy as he looks.

Doug and Bob. Scowls of contentment.

The 2 Colonels and CSM in front of us spent a lot of time looking for their golf balls, we eventually played through on our twelfth hole. 

Sitting in the shade.

Too many cervezas.

The crew stocking back up on cervezas and red bulls.

Thank goodness for carts. 

Pretty little trees. 

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