Wednesday, March 13, 2013

But you ain't got no legs Lt. Dan

Starting Thursday we began setup for the Lt Dan Band show on Saturday 9 March. The USO rolled in in waves coming off the show the night before in 29 Palms for the Marines. Friday the stage showed up and with the help of a bunch of soldiers we got it set-up and the rental generators in place, along with the dumpsters, fencing and the spotlight tower.  Saturday morning we hit it bright and early with the sound and lighting set-up finishing just before sound check around 3pm. The band showed up at around 1pm and chilled out inside and got a little lunch while we finished up teh set-up details in the 15mph winds with 25mph gusts. Everything really went exceptionally well for the set-up. I finally went and met Gary at the gate at 4pm and he followed me in to sound check. After sound, he did a media interview, met teh Commanding General and NTC CSM. Everyone grabbed a light dinner then it was time for the show. About 1500 people from across post made it out. The only snag was that Gary had hurt his arm and had it wrapped to tight and had to take a break to take the wrap off. Otherwise everything went well. By the end of the wrap up, I was so tired from working an 18 hour day on asphalt, I could barely walk, my knee was full of fluid and stiff. I limped to my car, climbed in, drove home and went to bed. All in all it was a great event and I enjoyed getting to be so intimately involved in making it a success.

Set list. Some very good songs in there. 

Generators we had to rent from LA

Look at those giant stacks hanging in the air. We tied them down with 550 cord to keep them from blowing. 

The USO rented 2 shuttle buses like this. They were sweet. A few of us actually watched Harry Potter for a bit inside. 

Command and Control

Sound guy

back entrance to the stage

People showing up.

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