Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Some time ago I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead on Netflix. I recommend it to everyone. It's a great video whether you believe int he healing power of fruits and veg or not. Premise is that guy goes on 60 day juice only diet, fresh homemade juice. Loses a ton of weight, heals ills and lives happily ever after while influencing others to better health. One of his converts does the same, losing 202 pounds in just over a year and becoming a moonie for juicing. It's a feel good movie and turns conventional diet ideas on their ear. It's nothing new, Jack Lalanne did it for years, but something in this video just clicks for so many, probably the transformation you witness right before your eyes of both guys. Anyway, I made my family watch it, made Chad watch it and talked it up a ton. I knew that I was going to add fresh juices to my diet but wasn't sure how far I wanted to go with it. I ordered my juicer and it finally showed up Thursday. I got the Breville just like the one in the movie. It's an expensive machine but easy to use and priceless if I can skip the heart disease that runs like a wild stallion in my genes. 
Once it showed up, I promptly hit the store and bought a bunch of fruits and veg and headed back to the house. I read some blogs and articles online during the week and have started adding juicing and fasting to my daily regime. To prime my system, the weekend consisted of all juice including the holiday. So far, I've tried several combinations of fruit and veg including Kale, Bok Choy, Spinach, apple, orange, lemon, celery, cucumber, carrot, beets, pineapple and even ginger. At worst, the concoctions have tasted like fresh cut grass smells (high in Kale) and at best as good as the freshest OJ. While I'm not a purist by any means yet, I am thinking of doing a full juice fast for Lent. I am feeling cleaned out compared to the bloat I developed over Christmas, love that junk food. 
I'm fortunate in that the local market at the Country Club that I live at has a good selection of fresh greenery. I did get a lot of strange looks the other night at the checkout with my basket full of strange produce. 

boilt peanuts anyone?!

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