Sunday, February 17, 2013

90 days

So, it has officially been 90 days since my last post. I guess I've been busy and distracted. I have been on the go constantly since November. It started when our new director was put on leave and I became triple hatted, Acting Director, Chief of Recreation and Special Events Coordinator. 12 hour days 6 days a week were the norm until I finished up Winterfest, our holiday celebration on post. Then I hopped on a plane to spend right at 3 weeks with the family, which was a great long break. I came back to Cali and jumped into our Grand Opening of our new Warrior Zone. Somewhere in there I slipped off to SC for divorce court, which went without a hitch, then the Grand Opening went awesome. My first real day off in awhile was yesterday. I lay on the couch and my friend from AK texted me, he was back in Cali for a week. I loaded up the car and headed to Palm Springs. We met up, dropped off the car for his fiance at work and headed to the Augustine Casino for all you can eat lobster tail. There was a 2 hour wait, so we hit the blackjack table. I went up $100 pretty quickly. Then lost it and hovered around $50 for an hour until our buzzer went off. We headed in an proceeded to fill up on 5 lobster tails, a ton of crab claws, and peel and eat shrimp. We decided to play some more blackjack before meeting up with his fiance at another  place in town. I was up and down, up and down. We decided it was time to leave, so I dropped my winnings on one last best, all or nothing. She dealt me a 20. She had a 15. She flipped a 6, of course. Lady luck my ass. So, I broke even plus 4 beers. Zac paid for my dinner since he owed me for the asswhooping that Clemson suffered at the hand of the Gamecocks. We headed to a bar called the Yard House and had some drinks before heading home. Today was breakfast then walking around this giant flea market/farmers market in Palm Desert. Had some great crepes filled with strawberries at the market. They were soooooooo tasty.
On the job front, I have an interview for the job in Iowa on Wednesday. I did not get either of the Alaska gigs and i have yet to hear anything on the jobs in San Antonio or Augusta. Only time will tell.
Next weekend, I'm headed to see my friends Pete and Lorna and their new son. They live on the south rim of the Grand Canyon, should be a cool visit, I've never been there.