Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chase the baby

I went back to visit South Carolina, see old friends, deal with my condo and just get away from work for awhile. I was fortunate enough to have time to see the Huttos; Tripp, Whit, Kaitlyn and their newest edition Chase. He's less than 2 weeks old and cute as a button. He was pretty chill the whole visit. Whitney looked as tired as only a new mother can but healthy and happy. We got to visit for maybe an hour and a half before we had to head out.

Cute little guy, isn't he!

tutu much

The Bombshells always dress up for the Grinch, this year was no different. They went in tutus and pajamas. The tutus were hilarious to see running around on the pitch. They started dancing around like ballerinas. It was pretty funny, especially Smoorhead. She's a great rugger but like me she's not light on her feet, so the whole dance thing was hilarious.

Beer chugging Boat Races

Oftentimes by the end of a long day of rugby, the last thing you want is to play more rugby. This is why God invented beer, to decide tournament winners. In rugby we call it a boat race. Each team lines up and does a chug off. One beer per player, the next one can't drink until the one before them is truly done. How to be sure? tip the empty cup up on your head. Cheaters take a barley shower, never a pleasure. The girls decided their final match with a boat race. The Bombshells took the competition.

Grinch Rugby Tournament 2011

Mike the Scot in his pink Drinking jammies. He coaches the womens team these days. 

Julie F.

John "Dirty Bird" Hinks

Tutu fun.

The sock monkey store?

Bombshells hanging out.

the bontleys

John and his boy Jack. Cute as can be. Jack's probably going to be between 6'5 and 6'7. and if he follows in dad's footsteps, a hell of an athlete.

JOJO!! My old roomie. He's from Indiana and the biggest nurse in all of SC. 

Jeffrey Kremlick

TOA, a mixed team of tongans and samoans. They took second in the tourney.

Here they are beating the tar out of Myrtle Beach.

Myers, referee to the stars.

Foxy's dog, Lady. She ran away while I was trying to hook her up. Chased her down in the car and blocked her up in a fenced backyard. A very nice young lady helped me catch her. 

Be sure to stretch out those creamy hamstrings.

Bradly has lost a few pounds with Crossfit and got fitter. He's looking tough.

Kremmy thinking about kicking the ball. His favorite thing to do on the field.

Ryan Kay

El Stumpo (Stumpy)


R2 (roundeye numbero dos)

???? don't ask me, I have no idea.

More tutu action.

Read the name closely.

I taught Sam better than to treat the ball with such disrespect. Bad Smoorhead.